Monday 12 February 2018

NGO Registration in Bangalore

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NGO is a non-governmental organization created by natural persons or legal entities that acts for the welfare of people. The term NGO originated from the United Nations, and normally refers to organizations that are non-government and non-profit organizations.

The section 20 of the Societies Registration Act, 1860 states that military orphan funds, charitable societies, societies formed for the promotion and development of science, literature, instruction, the diffusion of useful knowledge and political education, the foundation, preservation or maintenance of libraries or reading rooms, mechanical and philosophical inventions, societies established at the various presidencies of India, public museums and galleries of paintings, collection of natural history and instruments or designs can be registered under this act.

Registration of NGO as Society in Bangalore
It is to be noted that Societies Registration Act, 1860 is a federal act in India. Another significant point is that the states with charity commissioner not only need to be registered under the Societies Registration Act, but also under the Bombay Public Trusts Act. Two kinds of society may be registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860. The process of registering NGO as society differs or varies from state to state.

State Level Society  
Having jurisdiction within the state of registration. The minimum number of members is seven, in which three people must be from the respective state to hold post of president, secretary & Treasurer.

National Level Society
Shall have jurisdiction throughout the country. There have to be seven members from seven different states. And three-member from the state in which registration is applied to hold post of president, secretary & Treasurer.

List of documents required to register a society
  1. Proposed Name of Society
  2. Main Object of Society in detail
  3. Any other or further documents which the registrar may ask during the registration process
  4. An Affidavit from the president that none of the office bearer is blood relative among themselves
  5. A Power of attorney in our name / advocate to file, represent and collect the certificate of registration
  6. Memorandum of Association of the society & Rules and regulations of the society
    • List of desirous persons with following details:
    • Name,
    • Fathers Name
    • Date of Birth
    • Address
    • Occupation
    • Post held in the society
    • Signature, along with Residence
  7. Identity proof of all such persons (self-attested)
  8. 2 Person Photograph
  9. Electricity Bill copies of the premises where the society is to be registered (attested by the president, secretary & Treasurer)
  10. No Objection from the owner in form of an affidavit on ₹ 10-50 Non judicial stamp paper duly notarized and also address proof of Owner/Landlord.
Registration of an NGO as a Trust in Bangalore
An NGO can be registered as Trust however; the creation of trust accepts existence of property. As per the Charitable Trusts Act 1957, the trust can be created through a trust deed, the trust deed requires mandatory registration with the registrar of documents.

List of documents required to register a Trust
  1. Proposed Name of the TRUST
  2. Original Trust Deed or a certified copy
  3. Minimum 2 (Two Trustee)
  4. Application for Incorporation of trustees as a Board the application must be signed by the majority of trustees.
    • Name
    • Occupation
    • Address
    • Age
    • Father’s Name
    • Designation
    • Mobile Number
    • Email Address
    • Two Photograph of all Trustees required.
  5. Address Proof of Trustee & Settler required i.e. Voter I.D / Driving license / Passport
  6. Main Object of the Trust.
  7. Office Address Proof of the Society – Electricity Bill / House Tax Receipt / Water Bill Receipt/ Ownership Prof of Property
  8. In case of Rented, Rent Deed duly notarized with rent receipt and NOC form Land Lord on ₹ 10/- Stamp Paper. Name of Landlord, Father’s name, Residence Address
  9. Physical Presence of Settler / all mandatory at the time of Registration along with Original ID
  10. Physical Presence of Two witness with original ID Proof at the Time of Registration
Registration of a Section 8 Company in Bangalore
  1. According to Section-8 of Indian Companies Act, 2013 (Old section 25(1) (a) & (b) of the Indian Companies Act, 1956, a section-25) a section 8 company can be recognized for encouraging commerce, art, science, religion, charity or any other useful object, provided the profits, if any, or other income is applied for promoting the objects of the companies& no dividend is paid to its members.
  2. Section-8 companies are registered under section 8 of Indian Companies Act 2013 (old section-25 of the Indian Companies Act, 1956).
  3. For a section-8 company, the main instrument is a Memorandum& articles of association (no stamp paper required)
  4. A section-8 Company needs a minimum of three members; there is no upper limit to the number of members. The Board of Management is in the form of a Board of directors or managing committee.
  5. An application has to be made for availability of name to the registrar of companies, which must be made in the prescribed form INC-1, together with a fee. It is advisable to suggest a choice of three other names by which the company will be called, in case the first name which is proposed is not found acceptable by the registrar.
  6. Once the availability of name is confirmed, an application should be made in writing to the regional director of the company law board. The application should be accompanied by the following documents; Three printed or typewritten copies of the memorandum & articles of association of the proposed company, duly signed by all the promoters with full name, address & occupation. 
  7. A statement by an advocate or a chartered accountant that the MOA & AOA have been drawn up in conformity with the requirements of the Act & that all the requirements of the Act & the rules made there under have been duly obeyed with, in respect of registration or matters incidental or supplementary thereto.
  8. Three copies of a list of the names, addresses & occupations of the promoters (& where a firm is a promoter, of each partner in the firm), as well as of the members of the proposed board of directors, together with the names of companies, associations & other institutions in which such promoters, partners & members of the proposed board of directors who are the directors or who hold responsible positions with description of the positions so held. 
  9. A statement showing in detail the assets (with the estimated values thereof) & the liabilities of the association, as on the date of the application or within seven days of that date
  10. An estimation of the forthcoming annual income & expenditure of the anticipated company, laying down the sources of the income & the objects of the expenditure. 
  11. A statement giving a brief description of the work, if any, already done by the association & of the work proposed to be done by it after registration, in pursuance of section-8.
  12. A statement which specify briefly the grounds on which the application is submitted.
  13. A declaration by each of the persons making the application that he/she is of sound mind, not an un-discharged insolvent, not convicted by a court for any offense &is not disqualified under Companies Act 2013, for appointment as a director.
  14. The applicants must also furnish to the registrar of companies (of the state in which the registered office of the proposed company is to be, or is situate) a copy of the application & each of the other documents that had been filed before the regional director of the company law board.
  15. The applicants should also, within a week from the date of making the application to the regional director of the company law board, publish a notice in the prescribed manner in a newspaper in the principal language of the district in which the registered office of the projected company is to be located or is located & circulating in that region, & at least in an English newspaper circulating in that region.
  16. The director might, after in view of the objections, if any, received within 30 days from the date of publication of the notice in the newspapers, & after consulting any of the authority, department or ministry, as the one may in their discretion decide &determine whether the license should or should not be granted.
  17. The directors shall also instruct the company to include in its memorandum, or in its articles, or in both, such conditions of the license as may be specified in this behalf.


  1. Aahwahan is the best NGO for Health, Education, Women Empowerment and Children and we support, characterize and direct the effort and interests of various development activities in Bangalore.

    NGO for Health
    NGO for Education
    NGO for Women Empowerment
    NGO for Children

  2. The best way to register NGO registration in Jaipur is by registering it as the trust. This method is mainly used by the NGOs who intentionally work with the motive of removing poverty.

    NGO registration in Jaipur
    80G Registration in Jaipur

  3. Ngo is Committed to helping and uplifting the lives of the underprivileged, physically challenged. Ngo is committed to Healing, enriching, empowering of physically-challenged, Free Surgeries etc. If you want to register NGO, don't worry Nandani Services will help you register your NGO.
